The intent of the workbook
The workbook of military chemistry for tactical level provides junior officers with a foundational understanding of the chemical reactions behind the most common phenomena in the battlefield. The fundamental understanding of chemical reactions helps officers to recognise dangerous incidents on the battlefield and supports their action for mitigation of the caused problems.
Both theoretical exercises and field demonstrations help officers to apply the foundational knowledge in practice. An officer should lead his/her troops to success in tactical missions while utilising the benefits or preventing the endangering incidents based on chemical reactions.
The workbook is divided into four sections, each focusing on essential competencies required in the battlefield: 1. Sustain, 2. Survive, 3. Manoeuvre, and 4. Fires. Each section uses the chemistry to understand better the fundamentals of the battlefield and therefore build insight into the behaviour of the socio-technical system (fighting unit) in the military environment under the enemy effect.
Each section first gives an orientation to application or incident caused by chemical reaction, then provides a short introduction to the theory, third provides examples of the chemical reaction in the field, and finally, offers challenges or exercises to be solved as homework or during the fieldwork.
Sample history of chemical weapons development and use
Cacodyl is highly toxic and spontaneously flammable in dry air. Its fumes have an obnoxious smell and are highly irritant to the eyes, skin, and nasal passage. Other cacodyl compounds, such as cacodylic acid and cacodyl cyanide are similarly unpleasant.
The U.S. Armed Forces were using Agent Blue, one of the so-called 'rainbow herbicides,' consisted of a mixture of cacodylic acid and sodium cacodylate. It was used in powder form from 1962 to 1964 and then in the aqueous solution until 1971. The herbicides were deployed as part of the United States' resource denial' programme to deprive the Vietcong of food by defoliating forests and cultivated lands. Subsequent studies revealed that the program had little impact on the enemy soldiers. Vietnamese civilians, on the other hand, suffered immensely.
- U.S. employed mixtures of cacodyl and diphenylcyanarsine in naval munitions before II WW
- 1916 – 1918 in WWI, there were close to 92,000 deaths and more than 1.3 million casualties on all sides due to gas attacks.
- 1860 a captain proposed the use of cacodyl as a chemical weapon
- 1857 Russians tested cacodyl filled artillery shells. The cats they used in tests survived but with torn eyes. Russians cancelled the project.
- 1855 a U.K. chemistry proposed to use cacodyl acid as chemical warfare against Russians in the Crimean War. Michael Faraday thought the idea barbaric, and MoD rejected the proposal.
- 1847 scientists experimented with cacodyl and organoarsenic chemistry and pioneered in synthesising organometallic compounds.
- 1757 cacodyl was first synthesised by Louis Cadet. He heated potassium acetate and arsenic trioxide in a furnace and distilled the product into a receiver.
1. Sustain
A mechanised platoon is deployed for defence. All four BMP-3 vehicles are positioned to optimise cross-fire to kill-zones. The enemy has reportedly been using drones to scout ahead of their attack colons and using visual and thermal imagining to detect military positions. The platoon commander orders the BMP-3 crews to shut the engines to minimise the heat radiation from the positions. After waiting for 6 hrs, the enemy drones are detected flying over the positions, and soon after that, the enemy formation is sighted at 2 km distance. The platoon commander commands the engines started and enemy engaged—only two of the four BMP-3 starts. The remaining two were not able to start their engines. Why did this happen?
1.1 Energy and Electrochemistry
Aim: Officers shall understand the chemical reactions behind storing and releasing energy for electrics. They can estimate the durability of each source of energy in a particular environment.
Batteries are used to provide back-up electricity in various military vehicles and platforms. The electricity runs sensor and weapon systems, comms and battle management systems, and protection systems. Energy is stored into batteries based on a chemical reaction. An officer shall be able to estimate the duration of energy stored in batteries if engine and generator are not used
Voltaic (galvanic) cells are electrochemical cells that contain a spontaneous reaction, and always have a positive voltage. The electrical energy released during the reaction can be used to do work. A voltaic cell consists of two compartments called half-cells. The half-cell where oxidation occurs is called the anode. The other half-cell, where reduction occurs, is called the cathode. The electrons in voltaic cells flow from the negative electrode to the positive electrode—from anode to cathode (see Figure below). (Note: the electrodes are the sites of the oxidation and reduction reactions).
For an oxidation-reduction reaction to occur, the two substances in each respective half-cell are connected by a closed circuit such that electrons can flow from the reducing agent to the oxidising agent. A salt bridge is also required to maintain electrical neutrality and allow the reaction to continue.
The Figure above shows that Zn(s)Zn(s) is continuously oxidised, producing aqueous Zn2+Zn2+:
Conversely, in the cathode, Cu2+Cu2+ is reduced and continuously deposits onto the copper bar:
As a result, the solution containing Zn(s)Zn(s) becomes more positively charged as the solution containing Cu(s)Cu(s) becomes more negatively charged. For the voltaic cell to work, the Solutions in the two half-cells must remain electrically neutral. Therefore, a salt bridge containing KNO3 is added to keep the Solutions neutral by adding NO3-, an anion, into the anode Solution and K+K+, a cation, into the cathode Solution. As oxidation and reduction proceed, ions from the salt bridge migrate to prevent charge build-up in the cell compartments.
1st most common battery in the field is Lead-acid battery
- Lead is a toxic metal that can enter the body by inhalation of lead dust or ingestion when touching the mouth with lead-contaminated hands. If leaked onto the ground, acid and lead particles contaminate the soil and become airborne when dry.
- The sulfuric acid in a lead-acid battery is highly corrosive and is more harmful than acids used in most other battery systems. Contact with an eye can cause permanent blindness; swallowing damages internal organs that can lead to death. First aid treatment calls for flushing the skin for 10–15 minutes with large amounts of water to cool the affected tissue and to prevent secondary damage. Immediately remove contaminated clothing and thoroughly wash the underlying skin. Always wear protective equipment when handling sulfuric acid.
- Over-charging a lead-acid battery can produce hydrogen sulphide. The gas is colourless, very poisonous, flammable and has the odour of rotten eggs. Hydrogen sulphide also occurs naturally during the breakdown of organic matter in swamps and sewers; it is present in volcanic gases, natural gas and some well waters. Being heavier than air, the gas accumulates at the bottom of poorly ventilated spaces. Although noticeable at first, the sense of smell deadens the sensation with time, and potential victims may be unaware of its presence. As a simple guideline, hydrogen sulphide becomes harmful to human life if the odour is noticeable. Turn off the charger, vent the facility and stay outside until the odour disappears.
2nd Most common battery in the field is Lithium-Ion battery.
The three primary functional components of a lithium-ion battery are the positive and negative electrodes and electrolyte:
- The negative electrode of a conventional lithium-ion cell is made from carbon. The most commercially popular anode (negative electrode) is graphite.
- The positive electrode is typically a metal oxide. The positive electrode is generally one of three materials: a layered oxide (such as lithium cobalt oxide), a polyanion (such as lithium iron phosphate) or a spinel (such as lithium manganese oxide).
- The electrolyte is a lithium salt in an organic solvent. The electrochemical roles of the electrodes reverse between anode and cathode, depending on the direction of current flow through the cell. The electrolyte is typically a mixture of organic carbonates such as ethylene carbonate or diethyl carbonate containing complexes of lithium ions. These non-aqueous electrolytes generally use non-coordinating anion salts such as lithium hexafluorophosphate (LiPF) or lithium hexafluoroarsenate monohydrate (LiAsF).
- The positively charged cathode and the negatively charged anode—separated by a thin sheet of "microperforated" plastic that keeps the two electrodes from touching.
Reaction - During discharge, lithium ions (Li+) carry the current within the battery from the negative to the positive electrode, through the non-aqueous electrolyte and separator diaphragm. During charging, an external electrical power source (the charging circuit) applies an over-voltage (a higher voltage than the battery produces, of the same polarity), forcing a charging current to flow within the battery from the positive to the negative electrode, i.e. in the reverse direction of a discharge current under normal conditions. The lithium ions then migrate from the positive to the negative electrode, where they become embedded in the porous electrode material in a process known as intercalation.
Energy losses arising from electrical contact resistance at interfaces between electrode layers and at contacts with current-collectors can be as high as 20% of the entire energy flow of batteries under typical operating conditions.[128]
Observe - Depending on materials choices, the voltage, energy density, life, and safety of a lithium-ion battery can change dramatically:
- The current effort has been exploring the use of novel architectures using nanotechnology have been employed to improve performance. Areas on interest include nano-scale electrode materials and alternative electrode structures.
- Pure lithium is highly reactive. It reacts vigorously with water to form lithium hydroxide (LiOH) and hydrogen gas. Thus, a non-aqueous electrolyte is typically used, and a sealed container rigidly excludes moisture from the battery pack.
- Heat is a killer of all batteries, but high temperatures cannot always be avoided. This is the case with a battery inside a laptop, a starter battery under the hood of a car and stationary batteries in a tin shelter under the hot sun. As a guideline, each 8°C rise in temperature cuts the life of a sealed lead acid battery in half. This means that a VRLA battery for stationary applications specified to last for 10 years at 25°C would only live 5 years if continuously exposed to 33°C and 30 months if kept at a constant desert temperature of 41°C. Once the battery is damaged by heat, the capacity cannot be restored.
Future - In the next five years, the usage of lithium batteries will further expand to heavy-duty platforms, such as military vehicles, boats, shelter applications, aircraft, and missiles. Change is due to several factors:
- Price is expected to decrease to less than $100 / kWh in 2022.
- The new generation of lightweight Li-Ion batteries is much more potent than traditional lead-acid batteries offering unparalleled advantages to advanced armed forces.
- A superior energy density by a factor of 3, coupled with a maintenance-free lithium battery with a 10-year lifetime, will significantly reduce the expensive field logistics of current vehicle batteries.
- A typical NATO dismounted soldier fighting in 2004 in Iraq consumed approximately 500Wh during a 72-hour mission. 2017 high-tech dismounted soldiers consume twice as much.
- Also, military vehicles serve as a stronghold and storage place for dismounted infantry, resupplying their water, food, ammunition, and energy needs. As a result, today's Infantry Combat Vehicles require triple the amount of energy than their lead-acid batteries can store. Adding additional lead/acid batteries is not a feasible alternative as the volume allocated to batteries is restricted.
A typical 8*8 ICV or Main Battle Tank has between eight to ten 6T lead-acid batteries, with the capability to store about 11-14 kWh of energy. This is barely enough to enable the vehicle to perform a 4 to 5-hour silent watch mission, while a typical Middle Eastern night lasts 10 to 14 hours from darkness to dawn.
Why things happen in the field
In order to operate and remain silent, such a vehicle cannot turn on its engine for several hours. A lithium-ion onboard battery with a much higher energy density than the incumbent Lead-Acid will substantially extend the hours of a silent watch from 4 hours to at least 12 hours.
- For comparison, a flooded/AGM 12V 6T battery provides a capacity of 80 Ah (at 1-hour discharge rate) and 0.94 kWh, while new Li-ion 6T batteries offer 165 Ah and 4.18 kWh in similar conditions.
- A ruggedised NPS 160 battery block will store 4.1 kW and weight only 50 kg.
- Thermal Runaway and Multiple Cells: While not relevant to single-cell batteries like those found in most smartphones (the iPhone X has two cells), only one battery cell needs to fail for the whole battery to go. Once one cell overheats, you get a domino effect called "thermal runaway." For batteries with hundreds of cells—like those in the Tesla Model S—thermal runaway has the potential to be a huge problem.
Failure of battery concerning operating temperature
Lithium cells ideal working temperature varies from +15 to +50 Centigrade. Outside of this ideal working temperature, the cycle life will be much shorter.
A lead-Acid battery will last much longer at +15 Centigrade than in lower or higher temperatures.
Puzzles, exercises, and fieldwork
- Why Lead-Acid battery suffers from high temperatures?
- Explain what are the possible reactions and why, when the vehicle that your crew is mounted gets hit, and the vehicle has either a) Lead-Acid batteries or b) Li-ion batteries onboard?
a. A lead-Acid battery may explode since during operation and charging. Lead-acid batteries produce hydrogen and oxygen which occupies the headspace in a battery above the electrolyte. If such gasses are not vented correctly or are exposed to a source of ignition, battery explosion can occur. In order for a battery to explode, two elements must be present – explosive gasses, namely hydrogen and oxygen, plus a source of ignition, external or originating from within the battery.
b. Li-ion battery will burn 20-30 minutes, and possibly explode because of short-circuiting as the projectile destroys the plastic separation between anode and cathode.
3. What may happen and why if your crewmate is a) exposed to the electrolyte from a Lead-acid battery, b) titrating or filling electrolyte to Lead-acid batteries?
a. Can cause burns. PVC or other suitable hand protection, eye and face protection and protective clothing must be worn. Dyke and neutralise spills with soda ash or another suitable alkali.
b. Always add concentrated acid to water, never water to acid. Store electrolyte in plastic containers with sealed cover. Do not store in the sun.
4. Fieldwork: Titrate the right solution for a catalyst from acid and distilled water
1.2 Gas and pressure
Aim: Officers understand the nature of gases. How to measure gas pressure, what happens when gas is heating up or releases energy.
The air pressure is essential for human survivability:
- The F-16 can climb over 50 000 feet (15 km) and reaches 1 500 mph speed (Mach 2). The air pressure at that height is less than 10 kPa, and human will pass out around when the pressure drops below 57% from normal.
- Drivers that go deeper than 30 meters are prone to nitrogen narcosis and below 60 meters exposes the diver to oxygen toxicity.
- Soldiers operating over 2 500-meter altitudes will suffer from altitude sickness.
Pressure - atmospheric & subsurface: The pressure of a gas is the force it exerts on a unit surface area. The pressure is measured with a barometer. (Moore, 2004)The air around you has weight, and it presses against everything it touches. That pressure is called atmospheric pressure, or air pressure. It is the force exerted on a surface by the air above it as gravity pulls it to Earth. Atmospheric pressure drops as altitude increases. As the pressure decreases, the amount of oxygen available to breathe also decreases. At very high altitudes, atmospheric pressure and available oxygen get so low that people can become sick and even die. Mountain climbers use bottled oxygen when they ascend very high peaks. They also take time to get used to the altitude because quickly moving from higher pressure to lower pressure can cause decompression sickness. Decompression sickness also called "the bends", is a problem for scuba divers who come to the surface too quickly.
An atmosphere (atm) is a unit of measurement equal to the average air pressure at sea level at a temperature of 15 degrees Celsius (59 degrees Fahrenheit). One atmosphere is 1,013 millibars, 101.325 kPa, or 760 millimetres (29.92 inches) of mercury.
At low altitudes above sea level, the pressure decreases by about 1.2 kPa (12 hPa) for every 100 metres.
A diver 10.3 m underwater experiences a pressure of about 2 atmospheres (1 atm of air plus 1 atm of water). Conversely, 10.3 m is the maximum height to which water can be raised using suction under standard atmospheric conditions.
Pure water boils at 100 °C (212 °F) at Earth's standard atmospheric pressure. The boiling point is the temperature at which the vapour pressure is equal to the atmospheric pressure around the water. Because of this, the boiling point of water is lower at lower pressure and higher at higher pressure.
Why things happen in the field
The regulator supplies the pilot with breathable air (a mixture of oxygen and nitrogen, the ratio between the two depending on altitude) or 100% oxygen for emergency scenarios. It can also provide a function called partial-pressure breathing for G (PPG), which pushes high-pressure air into your lungs during high-g manoeuvres, which increases g tolerance.
Combat divers need to know the effects of breathing 100 per cent oxygen at depth, recognise the signs and symptoms of oxygen toxicity, and be able to respond to medical issues that might occur underwater.
Puzzles, exercises, and fieldwork
- If a plane flies at 5 000 feet and it loses the created atmosphere inside the chassis, what is the surrounding atmosphere and what may it do to a human?
- A diver blows a buoy balloon of 20 cm diameter at 50 meters deep, how large it will become when surfacing?
- A mountain patrol camps at 2000 meters high. What is the boiling temperature of normal water at that height?
2. Protection
2.1 Toxic agents
Year |
Group |
Aim |
2001 |
Afghanistan |
hydrogen cyanide on animals |
2005 |
Afghanistan |
A planned
chemical attack on the New York City Subway |
2007 |
Iraq |
15 vehicle
bombs with chlorine tanks, 115 killed, 854 injured |
2012 |
Afghanistan |
pesticides to attack school children, 1952 injured |
2013 |
military |
Sarin rockets
used around Damascus to kill 1429 and injured over 2200 |
2014 |
military |
bombs used against urban inhabitants |
2016 |
ISIS, Iraq |
Activated a sulphur
mine near Mosul producing sulphur dioxide, 2 killed, 1500 injured |
Plant Toxins
Animal Toxins
Marine Toxins
Bacterial Toxins
Why things happen in the field
- For example, in 1980, the West-German terrorist group Red Army Faction was suspected of having planned using botulinum toxin, which was prepared in a private laboratory in Paris.
- This kind of toxin was also used for experiments by the Japanese faction Aum Shinrikyo, known mainly for their sarin attack in the Tokyo metro 1995. 11 bags with 600 g each of Sarin were released on 3 main subway lines in Tokyo, resulting in 12 deaths and nearly 4,000 injuries.
- Sarin is an organophosphorus compound developed by Germany in 1938 as a pesticide. It is a potent nerve agent because it is a strong acetylcholinesterase inhibitor that degrades the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. It has an LD50 of 660 ug/kg (oral, rat) and is a colourless, odourless, tasteless liquid. In humans, it is about 26 times as deadly as cyanide gas. With a vapour pressure of 2.9 mm Hg @ 25oC and volatility of 22,000 mg/m3@ 25oC it can evaporate readily and spread into the environment.
- The American nationalist anti-governmental movement Minnesota Patriots Council planned the use of ricin in dimethyl sulfoxide solution (with an admixture of extract from the plant Aloe vera) or the form of dry aerosol in 1991.
- In the course of the Chechnya war (2001), Russian authorities revealed a plan of local rebels who reportedly intended to use ricin in the form of mixed ammunition.
- Ricin, as well as other known toxins, are relatively quickly accessible to any qualified specialist. However, their use in terrorist attacks to induce mass intoxications through inhalation is problematic. This reduces the probability of inhalation attacks.
- Terrorist attacks focused on drinking water and food sources, and particularly on the destruction of a particular person or group are more realistic.
- At the time of current information, technologies, and propagation of the fear of a global threat by weapons of mass destruction, toxins can serve as an efficient psychological weapon, even if they are not used.
Puzzles, exercises, and fieldwork
- Why is ricin easy to produce?
- What attack vectors the terrorists and insurgent would most probably use if they are after maximum impact at a physical level?
- Why and how terrorist may use toxins to optimise the terror at information and cognitive levels?
3. Manoeuvre
3.1 Fuels and releasing energy by burning
Fossil fuels
Burning to release energy
2 CnH2n+2 (g) + (3n+1) O2(g) = 2nCo2(g) + 2(n+1)H2O (g) + heat energy (Moore, 2004)
CH4 + 2 O2 (g) = 2 H2O + CO2 + CO + Energy
Fuel cells
Variety of petroleum products used in the battlefield
Product |
Description |
Use |
NATO/US code |
Gasoline |
A military
fuel used in specific armoured and non-armoured vehicle spark-ignition
engines in NATO Europe areas outside Denmark and the United Kingdom, also
known as gasoline automotive: Military (91 RON) or COMBATGAS. |
F-46 |
Low leaded
gasoline introduced to replace F-46. It is interchangeable with commercial
gasoline automotive (98 RON). |
F-57 |
Diesel |
A military
fuel used in compression ignition engines in NATO. Also known as Diesel Fuel:
It has a Pour
Point specification of 18 Centigrade maximum. |
F-54 |
diesel/kerosene fuel blend. |
F-65 |
Kerosene |
A military kerosene-type
aviation turbine fuel with Fuel System Icing Inhibitor (FSII). Also known as
JP-8 or AVTUR/FSII. JET A-1 or
AVTUR + Additives (NOTE 3) = JP-8 or AVTUR/FSII. |
They are used
by land-based military gas turbine engined aircraft in all NATO countries. Freezing
point -46C |
F-34 |
A military
kerosene-type aviation turbine fuel. Also known as JET A-1 or AVTUR. JET A-1
or AVTUR. Aromatics typical of cracked gasoline
and kerosene include benzene, alkylbenzenes, toluene, xylene, indenes,
naphthalenes. [1] |
equivalent to
that used by most civil operators of gas turbine engined aircraft |
F-35 |
Naval fuels |
A naval fuel
used in compression ignition engines and also known as FUEL, NAVAL
DISTILLATE, low pour point. Composition:[2] C9–C20
paraffins, vol % ≈ 13%; aromatics,
vol % ≈ 44%; naphthalenes,
vol % ≈ 44%; may contain
some (< 10%) polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbon. |
Used also in
naval gas turbines and ships' boilers for steam raising. |
F-75 |
Primary naval
fuel used as for F-75 above, but it may require special handling and storage
due to low-temperature characteristics. |
F-76 |
Puzzles, exercises, and fieldwork
- What is the source for the energy, when burning fossil fuel?
- Why is the combustion engine exhaust toxic?
- Why is it challenging for the military to use fuel cells widely in creating electricity in the operations?
- Explain the differences between gasoline, diesel and kerosene in military use
- Why may a fuel tank explode when hit with a kinetic warhead?
3.2 Propellants and propulsion
Propellant |
Definition |
Use |
M1 |
Composed of
85 % nitrocellulose, 10 % 2,4-DNT, approximately 5 % dibutlyphtalate and 1 % potassium
sulphate. |
Since II WW
as cannon munition |
M3A1[1] |
The entire
M3A1 propellant contains approximately 5.5 pounds of single perforated
neutral burning powder. There are flash reducers containing potassium sulfate
or potassium nitrate sewn forward of charges.
The flash reducers limit breech flare back, muzzle flash, and blast
overpressure. |
US 155mm
artillery propelling charges |
Puzzles, exercises, and fieldwork
- What is the source for the energy, when blasting an artillery charge?
- Why does an assault rifle work when switched automation?
- How does a rocket work?
- How does a missile work?
3.4 Essential chemistry for a human to move
Hb(aq) + 4O2 = Hb(O2)4 (aq) (Curtis, et al., 2018)
Hb(aq) + 4CO = Hb(CO)4 (aq) (Curtis, et al., 2018)
Hb(CO)4 (aq) + 4O2 (g) = Hb(O2)4 (aq) + 4CO (g) (Curtis, et al., 2018)
Why things happen in the field
Puzzles, exercises, and fieldwork
- Your BMP-3 vehicle is positioned for battlefield observation. You are using the engine to run electronics and keeping the crew more comfortable, but you also have the bottom latch open if you are caught by surprise. After a few hours, your crew starts complaining of headache and dizziness. What may cause it?
- You are flying over 10 000 feet, and you feel dizziness, sleepy and disoriented. What may be the cause and how to retain your normal physical abilities?
4. Fires and Effects
4.1 Transfer of forms at molecule and atom level
- When atom mass is higher, the material is denser
- When atoms are packed closer together, the material is denser (compare the weight of similar cubes of wood and iron).
- Mixing different molecules (iron with carbon = steel) produces alloys, which are harder to break with kinetic energy.
T=1/2 mv^2
Puzzles, exercises, and fieldwork
- Explain your platoon what happens when a bullet hits the armour and why it does not penetrate the BMP-3 armour (See also physic exercises for land forces)
- Why it requires more concrete to protect from a bullet than steel?
- Why is steel better armour than pure iron?
4.2 Bullet, prime and propellants
Puzzles, exercises, and fieldwork
- What propels the bullet out from the rifle barrel?
- Why is it essential to accelerate the speed of a bullet to its realistic maximum?
- What energy is used to make a gun automatic?
4.3 Explosives
N2 + O2 --> 2NO - 43,200 calories
- Low explosives are typically employed as propellants. They undergo auto combustion at rates that vary from a few centimetres per second to approximately 400 meters per second. Included in this group are smokeless powders and pyrotechnics such as flares and illumination devices.
- High explosives are usually employed in warheads. They undergo detonation at rates of 1,000 to 8,500 meters per second. High explosives are conventionally subdivided into two classes and differentiated by sensitivity:
- Primary. These are extremely sensitive to shock, friction, and heat. They will burn rapidly or detonate if ignited.
- Secondary. These are relatively insensitive to shock, friction, and heat. They may burn when ignited in small, unconfined quantities; detonation occurs otherwise.
Puzzles, exercises, and fieldwork
- Why do military explosives need to be insensitive to shock, friction or heat? Why not just use nitro-glycerine?
- How military ordnance is structured to maximise the controlled detonation but prevents the uncontrolled blasts?
- Explain to your team how TNT reacts when it is ignited
- Why is oxygen packed in military explosives? Why is it not enough to use O2 of the air?
4.4 Pyrotechnics
Type |
Explanation |
Smokes |
white smokes contain zinc and hexachloroethane, which form chlorides and
oxides of zinc as reaction products; both of these are highly toxic. [1]
such as phosphorus smokes, are effective in blocking the transmission of a
particular part of the electromagnetic spectrum, such as visible light,
infrared light, or microwaves. Military application of phosphorus smokes for
screening during a military operation can make use of either white phosphorus
(W.P.) or red phosphorus (R.P.). WP is the most effective smoke agent to
defeat thermal imagery systems.[2] In terms of
aerosol concentration, it can be assumed that a stable, slow-precipitation
smoke has a low weight concentration up to 0.1 g/m3 and a particulate
concentration between 105 and 106 particles per 1 cm3.[3] Multispectral
smoke screens electromagnetic radiation in the 0.4-12 µm spectrum. |
Compositions |
compositions based on magnesium or aluminium and potassium perchlorate (and a
flow modifier) have often been used as a sound-producing composition for
battle effect simulators and grenades for special forces. They also have
application as a spotting charge for mortar rounds, but this requires a
higher filling density for efficiency reasons.[4] |
powder |
Magnesium is
one of the most common fuels used in pyrotechnic compositions. Although it
has a high combustion temperature and large heat of combustion, it suffers
from degradation on storage. Moisture readily attacks magnesium powder,
generating hydrogen gas which presents a severe problem in sealed stores. The
reaction decreases the amount of available magnesium, thus reducing the
efficiency and performance of the pyrotechnic composition. These effects are
somewhat reduced by coating the magnesium powder with various organic binders,
but problems are still known to occur.[5] |
Thermites[6] |
thermite uses either iron (III) oxide or iron (II, III) oxide. The former
produces more heat. The latter is more comfortable to ignite, likely due to
the crystal structure of the oxide. Addition of copper or manganese oxides
can significantly improve the ease of ignition. The density of prepared
thermite is often as low as 0.7 g/cm3. This, in turn, results in relatively low
energy density (about 3 kJ/cm3), rapid burn times and spray of molten iron
due to the expansion of trapped air. Thermite can be pressed to densities as
high as 4.9 g/cm3 (almost 16 kJ/cm3) with slow-burning speeds (about 1 cm/s).
Pressed thermite has higher melting power, i.e. it can melt a steel cup where
low-density thermite would fail. Iron thermite with or without additives can
be pressed into cutting devices that have heat resistant casing and a nozzle.
Oxygen balanced iron thermite 2Al + Fe2O3 has a theoretical maximum density
of 4.175 g/cm3 an adiabatic burn temperature of 3135 K or 2862 °C or 5183 °F
(with phase transitions included, limited by iron which boils at 3135 K), the
aluminium oxide is (briefly) molten, and the produced iron is mostly liquid
with part of it being in gaseous form - 78.4 g of iron vapour per kg of
thermite is produced. The energy content is 945.4 cal/g (3 956 J/g). The
energy density is 16 516 J/cm3. Copper thermite
can be prepared using either copper(I) oxide (Cu2O, red) or copper (II) oxide
(CuO, black). The burn rate tends to be fast, and the melting point of copper
is relatively low, so the reaction produces a significant amount of molten
copper in a short time. Copper (II) thermite reactions can be so fast that
copper thermite can be considered a type of flash powder. An explosion can
occur and send a spray of copper drops to a considerable distance. Oxygen
balanced mixture has a theoretical maximum density of 5.109 g/cm3, adiabatic
flame temperature 2843 K (phase transitions included) with the aluminium
oxide being molten and copper in both liquid and gaseous form. 343 g of
copper vapour per kg of this thermite is produced. The energy content is 974
cal/g. |
Napalm |
A combustible
mixture of a gelling agent and a volatile petrochemical (usually gasoline
(petrol) or diesel fuel). Napalm B uses Polystyrene derivatives as a gelling
agent. Napalm burns at temperatures ranging from 800° C (1,472° F) to 1200° C
(2192° F). Besides, it burns for a more significant duration than gasoline,
as well as being more easily dispersed and sticking tenaciously to its
targets. These traits make it extremely useful in the anti-structure and
antipersonnel role. Multiple nations (including the United States, China,
Russia, Iran, and North Korea) maintain large stockpiles of napalm-based
weapons of various types. Napalm is
effective against dug-in enemy personnel. The burning incendiary composition
flows into foxholes, trenches and bunkers, and drainage and irrigation
ditches and other improvised troop shelters. Even people in undamaged
shelters can be killed by hyperthermia, radiant heat, dehydration, asphyxiation,
smoke exposure, or carbon monoxide poisoning. One firebomb
released from a low-flying plane can damage an area of 2,500 square yards
(2,100 m2). Turkey has been accused of using Napalm in its war against
Kurdish militias over Afrin. Turkey's General Staff, however, denies this. Napalm bombs
generate carbon monoxide while simultaneously removing oxygen from the air.
The air in the bombing area can be 20 per cent or more carbon monoxide.[7] |
Why things happen in the field
- Thermite usage is hazardous due to the too high temperatures produced and the extreme difficulty in smothering a reaction once initiated. Small streams of molten iron released in the reaction can travel considerable distances and may melt through metal containers, igniting their contents. Additionally, flammable metals with relatively low boiling points such as zinc (with a boiling point of 907 °C, which is about 1,370 °C below the temperature at which thermite burns) could potentially spray superheated boiling metal violently into the air if near a thermite reaction.
- Mixing water with thermite or pouring water onto burning thermite can cause a steam explosion, spraying hot fragments in all directions.
- If thermite is contaminated with organics, hydrated oxides, and other compounds able to produce gases upon heating or reaction with thermite components, the reaction products may be sprayed.
- Finely powdered thermite can be ignited by a flint spark lighter, as the sparks are burning metal (in this case, the highly reactive rare-earth metals lanthanum and cerium). Therefore, it is unsafe to strike a lighter close to thermite.
- When used as a part of an incendiary weapon, Napalm can cause severe burns (ranging from superficial to subdermal), asphyxiation, unconsciousness, and death. In this implementation, napalm fires can create an atmosphere of greater than 20% carbon monoxide and firestorms with self-perpetuating winds of up to 70 miles per hour (110 km/h).
Puzzles, exercises, and fieldwork
- How many smoke grenades you need to deploy to create a 10 m wide screen that lasts 60 seconds between you and enemy position? One smoke grenade creates 105 particles/cm3 for 20 seconds in an area of 3 m3.
- Define the ways to disable your computer hard drives and USB-memories silently if you have to withdraw your staff within 3 minutes and would not be able to carry them with you?
- Name ways to put down thermite initiated fire.
- Why Napalm is sticky and why does it burn slower than plain gasoline?
- You have just requested a low delivered Napalm strike on top of the enemy fortification. Once the bomb has been delivered, what you should consider before entering the strike zone with your platoon?