What is 5/6G Wireless, and Why the Military are Interested?
Civilian wireless technology has been advancing steadily through generations of cellular communications, from GSM to 5G, and is now waiting for 6G to be deployed. This evolution of wireless communication has enabled online commerce and social media, almost killing radio and TV, smart cities, smarter governments, etc. The military has been applying new ways of person-to-person communication, seeking information, and doing everyday business. Sometimes, this application has followed the development of Military Affairs, and sometimes, new services have replaced military proprietary services. Many militaries assess smartphones and 5G connections as Operational Security issues rather than enablers in the Area of Operation.
Nevertheless, ISIS used commercial telephony and personal computing as the foundation for their Command and Control support. National Security Agencies' separate TETRA and P25 systems are being replaced with virtual and sliced push-to-talk services on top of 4 and 5G. Furthermore, 5G waveforms are replacing manufacturers’ proprietary to improve connectivity and interoperability at the tactical level. The dual use of 5G technology is gaining traction within Military Affairs.
Current Military Approaches to Benefit from 5G Technology
Table 1 shows that the Military is not merely a spectator of emerging technologies but actively applies them to military affairs. The intentions vary from enjoying faster wireless bandwidth to integrating sensor-commander-effector-loops on the battlefield.
Table 1: Samples of Military Initiatives and Approaches to benefit from 5G technologies
5/6G Changes the Infrastructure Layer (networking, transfer and processing)
- https://5gstore.com/blog/2024/12/05/6g-vs-5g-compare-and-explore/
- https://www.esa.int/Applications/Connectivity_and_Secure_Communications/World-first_direct_5G_connection_to_low_Earth_orbit_satellite_opens_new_era_for_mobile_coverage
- https://www.islandecho.co.uk/advanced-5g-connectivity-system-tested-rigorously-on-britten-norman-islander-aircraft/
- https://governmenttechnologyinsider.com/soaring-to-new-heights-with-airborne-to-ground-4g-5g-communications-and-enhanced-wireless-connectivity-part-1/
- https://theairpowerjournal.com/battle-command-architecture-all-domain-operations/
- https://www.baesystems.com/en/blog/electronic-warfare---the-invisible-battlespace
- https://www.mwrf.com/markets/defense/article/55136984/blu-wireless-the-digital-battlefield-transforming-military-operations-through-data-and-connectivity
- https://www.dni.gov/index.php/gt2040-home/gt2040-deeper-looks/future-of-the-battlefield
- https://www.nokia.com/networks/radio-access-networks/open-ran/open-ran-explained/
- https://www.ericsson.com/en/network-slicing
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OSI_model
- https://cloud.google.com/learn/what-is-hybrid-cloud
- https://www.gartner.com/en/documents/5850147
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